Behind the wormhole

Rythme :
Exigence :
Cette partie se fera en anglais dans le but de s'entrainer à pratiquer cette langue. Je préviens, le MJ a encore beaucoup d'effort à faire :p
Dernière place réservé à HK-47.
Humanity has conquered the solar system and the nearest stars, then found himself stuck in his corner of the galaxy. But not long ago, at the edge of know world, we discovered a strange portal. Who build it ? We dont know, but this portail open new worlds to explore. Many corporation, many organization, launch spaceship through the portail.
Will you join one of these exploration teams ? You're small team of mercenary and explorator. These new worlds will offer you many opportunities.
Before creating the characters, we will create a piece of universe. Which organizations are interested in these new worlds? Which worlds have already been discovered ?
Orland | |
Lael | |
Baudelaire | |